Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tax Preparation & Censorship

First, Kaye wants to thank all of you for your good vibes, good thoughts, and prayers. Her Mom is still hanging in there but Hospice started morphine yesterday and all the siblings are meeting with their Mom this afternoon. I know my heart goes out to Kaye and her family through this difficult time. Having been there with my dad I know how difficult this process can be. Kaye is one strong woman to handle it as well as she has.

On to a better subject. While I am still having trouble seeing until my eyes return to normal size I had my annual eye appointment this morning. No change from last year. Healthy eyes. No prescription for new eye glasses needed. My eye doctor knows me well as he gave me a copy of my last eye glass prescription "in case I lose my glasses." My reputation obviously preceded me. Now if I can just stay out of the blinding sun until that stuff they put in your eyes finds it way out of them.

Next is public service information from my blog. Here is a really good article about not only how to choose a tax preparer but also at the end of the article is additional information about schemes to look for and not be a part of:


If any of the readers and/or posters have a question about taxes or the above article I will do my darn best to answer them. Because often each taxpayers situation is unique I may not be able to answer some questions, however, I will do my best to guide you in the right direction.

Next up is what is turning out to be a controversial super bowl ad staring college football star and former Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow who was known for his strong religious beliefs when he was the University of Florida's starting quarterback. The ad is sponsored by Focus On The Family and features Tebow's Mom. A national coalition of women's groups has written to CBS asking them to drop the ad. A letter that The Women's Media Center sent to CBS is quoted in the article as saying:

"By offering one of the most coveted advertising spots of the year to an anti-equality, anti-choice, homophobic organization, CBS is aligning itself with a political stance that will damage its reputation, alienate viewers, and discourage consumers from supporting its shows and advertisers,"

My take on the ad is to let it run. I don't agree with either the organization paying for it or their stances but I like censorship less. My solution would be to run the ad but allow The Women's Media Center to pay for an ad to run right after the ad in question with their position on the issue.

Where do you stand? Let the ad run? Stop it? What is more important to you censorship or the issues? I keep thinking of the phrase, "I don't agree with you but I will fight for your right to express your opinion."

Read the full ad here:



Pat said...

That looks like good advice on tax preparers, Bill. Not that I did any research on my current one(s) aside from asking you. {g}

As to the ad, it really doesn't seem that offensive to me. It's not as if they were yelling about murdering babies. From the description, it was her decision to make, she made it, and it turned out well. That seems to me as much an argument for choice as against abortion. Well, not really, because I know some of the work of Focus on the Family, and don't think much of them (understatement alert).

Still, I'd vote against censorship in this case. While I'm against censorship in general, I can't say I'd mind a lot of ads being pulled if they stretch the truth or outright lie. So yeah, let's censor a lot of the political ads next time around. I won't mind at all.

Lady DR said...

Great article on tax preparers, Bill. For anyone doing their own taxes, good reminders of what you and cannot deduct.

More prayers for Kaye and her family during this time. Having been through it with Daddy and Walt, my heart goes out to her.

As to censorship - if you're going to censor ads, I'm with Pat, there are a number of other ads that could be looked at closely (wry s). I'm not in favor of censorship of ads that simply have a message with which you don't agree. You're right, the other org can pay for equal time for their message. Like you, the first thing I thought of was the quote you offered. If they want to censor something, maybe they could start with the content of some of what's offered on TV these days.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

Thanks for your trust in me!

I didn't think the ad was all that offensive either, just the organization sponsoring it. I just think it is better to have their agenda out in public for everyone to see.

You have just been bestowed understatement Queen!

I agree with you on political ads.

The Oregonian does a daily thing about whether claims or true or false maybe I will start adding that link to my blog for a while.


William J. said...

Hi Dr

You hit on the main reason I posted the article. There are a lot of multiple level maketing outfits that try to tell you things that you can deduct that are not only not deductible but will get you audited.

It looks like all three of us agree about censorship. Putting the clamps on Neo Nazi groups for example doesn't bring awareness to the fact that they exist and are recruiting in grade schools. Allowing to show their hate message brings awareness to the fact that they exist and we can educate parents and kids to beware.
