Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Weird, The Diet, and Women in Politics.

Orville and Wilbur Wright: These brothers battled depression and family illness before starting the bicycle shop that would lead them to experimenting with flight. After numerous attempts at creating flying machines, several years of hard work, and tons of failed prototypes, the brothers finally created a plane that could get airborne and stay there.

Been a busy week and I'm really excited about tonight's surprise party. Guest of honor still doesn't have a clue. I got the batteries for my camera charged so amongst the excitement if I remember I will take some pictures.

Because I'm in excitement mode I need to relax to keep the blood pressure down so we are going to do the weird, a diet choice that is easy to fix, and celebrate an article that takes the position that women are better than men at politics. Then I will give you a very easy Who Am I. Even I know the answer.

First up is the weird that went on last week.

Looking for something easy to fix for dinner tonight? The following article has just the answer:

Who do you think is better at politics, men or women?

Comments are appreciated.


I am one that everyone on that planet has heard of. Movies have been made of me. Books have been written about me. Just think what I would have accomplished if I hadn't died of Typhoid fever at the much to young age of sixteen. I wrote the following; "It’s difficult in times like these; ideals, dreams and cherished hopes rise within us, only to be crushed by grim reality. It’s a wonder I haven’t abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart.” All my fame came after my death thanks to my father. Like many of my fellow believers I had to turn-in my bicycle, couldn't ride trams or cars. I couldn't go to theatres, cinemas or any other forms of entertainment, Neither could I use swimming pools, tennis courts, hockey fields or any other athletic fields. Because of all the things I couldn't do and because of my small living space I longed to ride a bike, dance, whistle, look at the world, feel young and know freedom. My book has become an important symbol of how innocent people can suffer from intolerance and persecution. Who Am I?


Lady DR said...

Weird is right. I found the story about the sex doll funny. Hey, whatever works!

Eating couch cushions gives new meaning to the term "couch potato."

I'm not surprised women are often more effective in politics than men and I wish we had more women in Congress, state legislatures and other key positions. Most women are born and bred to learn negotiation, compromise and dispute settlement, from family feuds to sibling rivalry among the kids. In addition, women tend to be more prone to look at all the pros and cons and make a decision about what's in everyone's best interest, not just their own or that of one individual or group. I'm not saying they can't be swayed, just as their male counterparts can be, by perks and promises and such, but I suspect they take a more cautious and suspicious approach to such. Women also tend to be natural peacemakers, rather than needing to be adversarial. I don't want to sound sexist, but I have a suspicion we'd live in a better world, if women had more input into policy and decision making at just about any level of government.

I hope you're at the restaurant as I type and that tonight is a lot of fun for everyone involved.

Pat said...

Very funny about the sex doll! Also about the couch cushion lady. I've always found pica truly weird.

Like DR, I'm not surprised at how well women do in politics. And other fields as well. We learned some time ago that we had to work harder to be accepted. And I pretty much agree with DR right down the line. You can add that we're not as much into pi$$ing contests. {eg}

Hope you and yours are having a wonderful time tonight.

William J. said...


I also thought the sex doll story was funny.

Lol at your couch potato!

The sad part about the women in politics is that the number of women in Congress declined the last election. I think a lot of women have had to learn how to negotiate in marriages and also to manage finances. I actually agree with you that more women in politics would improve what we have now.

The party was a success.


William J. said...

Hi Pat

The sex doll was funny especially the part about the remote and cigarette. I'm not going to eat a cushion any time soon.

I agree that women did have to work harder to be accepted. I'm not so sure about pissing contests because when I supervised eleven women I saw some pretty petty arguments. Still I think the atomsphere would be better today if more women were in politics.

We had a great time.
