Thursday, August 4, 2011

DNA, Concussions, & Heartburn

First D.B. Cooper. Now Ted Bundy.

Frankly, I think putting out Bundy's DNA is a great idea if it can solve some murders and finally give victims' relatives some peace of mind.

What makes this kind of weird is that I am reading Catherine Coulter's newest novel, SPLIT SECOND. The plot is that Ted Bundy's daughter is now out there doing her dad proud by becoming a serial killer. Interest read though.

How about you, do you think putting Bundy's DNA out there is a good idea?

From DNA to two medical issues.

Concussions among teens:

As someone who has had more than one concussion. I think this is a great idea. You?

Do you know the difference between indigestion and heartburn? You really should and I am here to help you out:

Comment Away.


Dolly Parton authored yesterday's quote. Today's quote is "Somewhere out in this audience may even be someone who will one day follow in my footsteps, and preside over the White House as the President's spouse. I wish him well!" The mother and wife of a president that was born in 1925 and is still kicking. As wife of the Vice President and then President, she has supported and worked to advance the cause of universal literacy. In 1953, her daughter, Robin, died of leukemia. It severely affected her and is the incident that is credited with beginning to turn her hair from a light brown color to chalk-white. She disclosed she was suffering from an overactive thyroid ailment known as Graves' disease when she lived at the White House. Her husband came down with the same malady not long after his wife. It is rare for two biologically unrelated people in the same household to develop Graves disease within two years of each other. Their dog, Millie, came down with Graves' disease, too, although there are reports that she had a different auto-immune disease, lupus. Who authored today's quote?


Pat said...

I agree that it's a good idea to get Bundy's DNA out there. who knows what they may find? I hadn't heard about the novel concerning his daughter. He had a daughter? I think I'll skip that book.

The concussion project also sounds like a good idea.

Interesting about heartburn and indigestion. I always thought they were the same thing. But I've been fortunate enough to not have either except very rarely.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

The novel is fiction. The plot is that her mother didn't tell her she was Bundy's daughter and that set her on a killing spree so she could be just like dad.

My sister also thought indigestion and hearburn were the same. My last hospital visit made me aware they were different.


Lady DR said...

Having lived in FL during the mid-eighties, Bundy is a very familiar name. Also had a writer acquaintance who did a book on him. I think getting the DNA out there is an excellent move, if it's still "good." They're doing things with DNA now they never thought possible twenty years ago.

I like the concussion program and think it's long overdue in identifying the possibility of concussion and treating it. As I understand it, concussion can have long term or dormant effects, if not diagnosed and treated. Is that true?

Since I rarely suffer from heartburn or indigestion (knocking wood) I had thought much about the difference. I do agree that stress and emotional issues can affect the digestive tract, where heartburn is apparently more a reaction to types of food and eating styles.

William J. said...


I think the DNA is still good and if getting it out there solves some unsolved crimes and gives relatives of friends piece of mind then that can only be a good thing.

You understand concussions perfectly. Depending how bad and how many concussions a person had it can lead to all sorts of thinks, memory loss, brain damage or injury and so on. Finding out early on can keep a teen off the playing field, court, ring until they have had sufficient time for the recovery.

I learned exactly what you said when I was in the hospital. It was indigestion brought on by stress. I hadn't thought much about the difference before then.


redwhistle said...

I used to work with a lady whose daughter was thought to be a victim of Ted Bundy. I remember she was so distraught over that fact that he was killed before he could admit to all his killings so she never found out about her daughter. I don't know where the woman I worked with is today, but I think it would definitely bring her some peace knowing what happened to her daughter.

William J. said...

Hi Red

Sorry I didn't respond earlier but I completely missed this post. Usually I get an e-mail when someone posts but for some unknown reason your email went to the spam folder.

I talked to Ann Rule once, she was a friend of his and didn't have a clue. She wrote a book called "The Stranger Beside Me." I don't really like Rule's writing but this was her best book. The other one was DEAD BY SUNSET. Which was about an attorney in Portland. I knew most of the characters which made it interesting.

I really hope that your friend does find some peace. I can't imagine what it would be like not knowing.


redwhistle said...

I looked up Bundy's unknown victims and the name of her daughter is still on the list. She was from West Linn, OR. I too hope the mother is still alive so that she can at least find out what happened to her daughter one day. It is bad enough to think your child was murdered, and murdered by such a crazy man but then not to know must be just as hard or harder.