Saturday, August 27, 2011


Virginia Woolf was the author of yesterday's quote.

Sorry I am late today. I had breakfast with my brother-in-law this morning. You know I don't like his politics because he is as far to the right as I am to the left. But he has done a thousand times more for Mom and myself than my brother. You can count on Bob to be there for you whenever you need him. I don't have much, a house, a car, and an IRA. The way it is now Mom gets everything if she is alive at the time of my demise. If she isn't than my brother and sister get 50-50. I am in the process of changing that to 40-40 to sister, brother and 20 to Bob. This will recognize how much Bob has done for us, get a little more to my sister than my brother and not hurt my brother's feelings. I've been caring for a parent for over ten years now, not once in that time has my brother called and offered to take a week or two so I could take a vacation. My sister would come up monthly and Bob would encourage that and come up with his wife. Without those breaks I don't think I would have survived. Then they moved here two years ago to take the pressure off of me. They deserve more, it isn't much but they are getting more. I wanted to tell Bob that. He was blown away. Then I had to get a haircut for an event I am going to tomorrow evening. More on the update tomorrow. Last I had to do some work for the football party Tuesday night. On to today's post, all about lists.

The following is the list for the most dangerous jobs of the last decade.

1. Logger.
2. Pilot.
3. Fisher.
4. Iron/Steel Worker.
5. Garbage Collector.
6. Farmer/Rancher.
7. Roofer.
8. Electrical Power Installer/Repairer.
9. Sales, Delivery, and Other Truck Driver.
10. Taxi Driver/Chauffeur.

This is different than yesterday's most dangerous jobs of 2010. I find it interesting that miner, convenience store clerk and police aren't on the list but garbage collector is.

Next up is the top ten items Children stick up their nose:

1. Crayons.
2. Beads.
3. French Fries.
4. Their fingers.
5. Marbles.
6. Spaghetti.
7. Tissue.
8. Cheerios.
9. Small Toys.
10. beans/peas.

I wonder if they put Spaghetti up they if they also included the meatballs. I also wonder if Cherrios isn't missing the boat. I see an advertising campaign in there.

The following list is the top ten national news stories for 2011.

Comment Away.


Pat said...

Brother-in-law sounds like a really Good Guy, and sounds very worthy of 20% in case you leave this earth. Let's just hope that doesn't happen for a very, very, long time.

That is truly odd that miner, convenience store clerk and Policeperson aren't on the dangerous list. But lists are often not as inclusive as we might like. Nor as accurate.

The kids list is funny. I'd like to see your plan for a Cheerios commercial based on this information. {g}

Definitely a lot of WTF moments in 2011. Let us all hope that 2012 will be calmer.

William J. said...

Hi Pat

The commerical would be something along the lines that you need two boxes for Cheerios for every morning. One for a healthy breakfast and one as a toy to keep the kids occupied while you get read for work.

Bob is a great guy now if we could get him to give up being a Republican.

I was surprised that the three most dangerous jobs this year and last didn't make the decade list.

Seems like a lot more has happened this year than with Obama, Libya, and all the storms. Hope things start calming down.
