Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Deadly Silence

It is estimated by some reports than one hundred thousand children are killed by abuse every year. Silence contributed to the killing of the child in the following article:


This child could have been saved by someone not only listening but by speaking. If you suspect a child is being abused speak out SHOUT FROM THE TREE TOPS, it is better to lose a friend than a child.

One hundred thousand children killed every year by abuse. In addition there are four million women beaten and abused each year. Abuse is the leading cause of injury among women. More than car Accidents, muggings, and rapes combined. Read the following article and weep.


I have to wonder how many of this women and children could be saved is someone would have just spoken up. How many would have been save if people ignored the "I don't want to get involved" syndrome and got involved.

After the above articles we need a laugh and I hope the following provides one.


At some point when I run out of quotes we may play a game where we pick someone from history and let you tell me what advise you would have given them if were alive at the time.

Comment Away.


Barbara Walters authored yesterday's quote. "The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." This quote was said by an African American author, poet, and activist born in 1944. Growing up with an oral tradition, listening to stories from her grandfather she began writing, very privately, when she was eight years old. "With my family, I had to hide things," she said. "And I had to keep a lot in my mind." On March 8, 2003, International Women's Day, on the eve of the Iraq War, she, Maxine Hong Kingston, author of The Woman Warrior; and Terry Tempest Williams, author of An Unspoken Hunger; were arrested along with 24 others for crossing a police line during an anti-war protest rally outside the White House. In March 20 she traveled to Gaza along with a group of 60 other female activists from the anti-war group Code Pink, in response to the Gaza War. When you hold your breath to long do you turn THE COLOR PURPLE? Who authored today's quote.


Pat said...

The people who kept quiet about the little girl's plight are every bit as culpable as the abuser. They should go to jail, too. For a very long time.

As to the abuse of women, the thing that always astounds me is that they so often stay with the abuser. I know many if not all of them feel they have nowhere to go, but I still find it hard to understand. I would hope for more resources and for them to be more widely known so that these women would not feel trapped.

I think that kid advising Lincoln had a very practical mind. Nobody could argue that he didn't give good advice.

Lady DR said...

I think the story on the little girl is horrible, yet all too real and all too repeated, because people don't speak up, especially family members who have mixed loyalties and emotions. I agree with Pat that those who didn't speak up are as culpable as the abuser.

I couldn't get the page on abuse to load, but I suspect it contains information and stats I've seen elsewhere. Yes, many women don't know where to turn. But, often, the physical abuser is also an emotional/mental abuser, who's somehow convinced the woman it's her fault he loses his temper and hits her/hurts her. Often, it's only when he threatens their/her children that she finally makes a move.

The story on Lincoln was cute. So was the video featured in the same article. I thought the little boy was darling and I like the idea of being "chillaxed."

Your idea of picking someone from history and considering what advice we might give is interesting, although I suspect we'd need to do some serious research on some of the folks .

William J. said...

Hi Pat

Just an added note before adding comments. Your Mark's dad passed away and he won't be at work for about a week in case you are trying to a hold of him.

I completely agree that the people that kept quiet about this girls plinght should be in jail. Do not pass go and no return allowed.

From what I read about abuse they women don't think they derserve more than the life they are living. Some even think they deserve the beating. After me told for years they are worthless, that nobody else will have them, that they deserve everything they are getting. It is just tragic.

The little boy was priceless.


William J. said...


The highlights from the abuses article. One hundred thousand children are killed every year from abuse. Four million women are injured from abuse annually. More than the combined total of car accidents, falls, and illness. Stunning stats.

The little girl could have been saved several times. Keeping quiet was murder and those people should go to jail and never return to life.

I loved the idea of picking a historical figure out and asking what advise you would give them. I wish they would have done it in my college let alone high school.
