Sunday, August 7, 2011

Kayaking Update

"Most of the shadows of life are caused by standing in our own sunshine. " ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

However, I think Symply Amused who posts here once in a while deserves to stand in her own sunshine. While working a job and raising a special needs child she recently graduated from college. Congratulations to her!

My last week. Sunday lunch with Mom. Monday the movie FREINDS WITH BENEFITS. Tuesday a work day. Wednesday and Thursday days and Wednesday night at Mom's. Friday the meeting with Ted and the movie CRAZY STUPID LOVE. Saturday cleaning house. More me time than normal weeks which I really appreciated. Both of the movies were entertaining and I liked FRIENDS WITH BENEFTS a little better but if you are taking a parent or a child go with CRAZY STUPID LOVE.

This coming week is less me time and more duties. Today I am taking lunch to Mom's. Monday is shopping for several things. A device to put on my car visor that will allow me to take calls when I am driving without holding the cell phone. A radio. I listen to the radio in the car but never at home and I want to listen to the radio a little more at home. Also a computer. Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday days and Tuesday and Wednesday nights are at Mom's. Friday and Saturday or unscheduled. A little note about the future. August 28 I am going to the Broadway Play Version of Mama Mia's with my friend Nancie. She is traveling until then. First she is going to San Francisco to celebrate the 70TH anniversary of her form in-laws. Then is going to do what is called Kayak Oregon with three of her girlfriends. They leave from Corvallis on a Thursday (two to a Kayak) and arrive in Oregon City four days later. The stay in the kayak all four days except at night when they sleep on the banks in a tent. Not for me but I admire her for being adventurous.

That's is it for the week. Now your turn. Let me know what went on in your life, what you expect will go on in your life, advents attended or attending, and give me your birthday date. I'd like to keep a file of everyone's birthday. Other than that post what you damn well please.


Mary Z said...

I don't post much here, but I did have an eventful day last week. I fell (literally) flat on my face in our driveway Tuesday morning. Who'd think there was SO much blood?! Several stitches in the cut under my chin, steri-strips and "glue" for the one on my forehead. Lots of facial scabbing, glorious black eyes (check my blog), which are now that disgusting yellow. Better by now, and hope to get the stitches out tomorrow morning. Let's all work on keeping our balance, shall we?

Birthday: 16 March

Lady DR said...

Good grief, Mary, are you taking lessons from me? I hurt, just reading about your tumble, given my recent fall. Asphalt is very unforgiving! Sounds like you came out of yours worse than I did, by far. (Hugs!)

Yes, the mission for many of us is to remain vertical, when not sleeping!

Lady DR said...

Snug - Congratulations! Well done!

Bill, sounds like you had quite a week and I'm glad to see more "Bill Time" in the equation. It also sounds like you've got a full week ahead and some fun purchases in the techie area. Check the car visor thing closely. My sister loves hers, the ones I got for us don't work worth a darn. Like you, I admire Nancie for her upcoming adventure. It's not something I'd care to do, at least not at present, but it sounds like fun.

Routine week here. Pool, line dance, editorial hours, grocery shopping, cleaning, including getting some spots out of the carpet, where Spook tossed her cookies and Scamp had accidents. Saw the massage therapist and chiro - first time to use my Medicare card. Am I really old enough for that? Went to the knitting group at the library yesterday AM, which is always pleasant. The house-breaking attempts continue, with inconsistent successes. Sigh.

Next week is pretty much the same drill, without the massage or chiro or knitting.

OH, birthdate: 8/26,which just barely allows you to claim "big brother" status (g).

Pat said...

BIG CONGRATULATIONS, Symply! I hope you see this. Good job!

Mary Z, sorry about your fall. You should try not to land on your face, you know. {g} And yes, let's all try to stay vertical!

Gosh, I haven't been to a movie in a theater for over a year now. But I do see a number of them on DVD. Last night's was a French movie called WASABI. Very funny.

I couldn't do without radio at home. I have one in every room, almost. A couple of decent ones and a couple of little battery guys, so I don't miss the thread of what's going on when I move from room to room. I don't have one in the computer room, though. First, the computer makes static on every one I've tried, and second, I find I'm not really hearing anything because my attention is mostly on the computer stuff.

I envy Nancie the kayak trip. I have very moderate experience with kayaks, but have thoroughly enjoyed what little I've done. Not so sure I'd like sleeping in a tent part, though. I hope she enjoys it all.

William J. said...

Hi Mary Z

You may not post much here but you were on of the very first posters on the blog.

Gosh how awful that you fell. It sounds so extremely painful. If there was that much blood I would have fainted.

I looked at the picture on the blog, you were really hurt.

I am sending good positive thoughts that you heal quickly.

For anyone that wants to see Mary's
picture here is a link to her blog:


William J. said...


Snug and Symply are two different women and it was Symply Amused from Texas that graduated. She has been going to college at night for at least four years now.

Most Bill then I have had for a while and I have slowly been downsizing my time at mom's on the days I don't do nights there.

I have a verizon phone and I am going to a verizon store where when I looked at them they said they would hook it up for me. That is the safest for me. I can't use earphones. They don't stay in my ears and that makes them more dangerous then just talking on the phone.

I am always glad when I see pool time and line dancing on your report. I need to get spots out of my carpet too but if just seems so hard to do! I admire you for doing so. That is kind of an eye opening when you use your medicare card for the first time.

I am not the big brother. We are twins.


dona said...

Wow, MaryZ, such a nasty fall you had...When you hit you must have hit hard! I looked at your pics on your blog. I hope you aren't feeling much pain from it and it heals up quickly so the teasing stops :)

Congratulations to Symply, she deserves it!

Bill, good luck with the shopping, if you find a Bose radio sale buy one get one free, I will be happy to take the free one off your hands. :) (I don't own one, but I have heard they are really nice)
Sounds like Nancie is about as busy as you are! The kayaking does sound fun, I went canoeing once and slept in a tent, that was about 30 years ago...don't miss it that much, especially the tent part.

Don't have too much planned the week ahead, still trying to get the Shankster to obey all restrictions so he can recover quickly...but even with his participation, it is still slow going....but better I might add. Two Saturdays and no ER trips so that is a plus, he has actually had a full week of better days. And I will take that any day over the last 3 months we have had.

So Bill, if DR is your twin, does that make me the younger sister? :)

October 6

William J. said...

Hi Pat

There really haven't been that many good movies out in the last couple of years, I can count them on one hand. The Blind Side, The King's Speech, UP, and that is about it. I am looking forward to a movie coming out in December THE DECENDANTS. With George Clooney. You heard it first here, Oscar time.

I want a radio that I can transport back and forth to work this next tax season. One with ear phones too.

I think you would do fine on a trip like Nancie's. They wear life jackets and are followed by lifequards and vans.


William J. said...

Hello there younger sister Dona.

OK buy one get one free and the extra radio is yours!

That is what I like about Nancie she is so busy she doesn't get mad if I don't call her. I actually liked it when we slept in tents as a kid. We actually liked it so much we often set up a tent in our backyard.

I am really pleased that you and The Shankster avoided ERs for two weeks in a row! And a full week of better days! Yea! May it continue.


Lady DR said...

Ooops on the name confusion. Symply, I hope you know the congrats went to you. I remember now - Snug is in China, right?

Bill, spots in carpets can be pretty simple. You want a long handled SMALL scrubbing brush, usually intended for dishes, and either Woolite spot remover spray or Rug Doctor Spot and Stain Remover spray. Ignore directions. Spray on spot, scrub with brush, let dry. Magic.

That's right - we have to be twins because we share the same mother.

Mary Z - checked your blog - you definitely hit the deck! Fortunately, my fall was on hands and knees and I was stiff as a board for a week, but nothing like you. (Extra hugs)

Dona, I'm delighted to hear you avoided the ER and that the hubster is having a better week. I have you in my prayers each day.

William J. said...


Yup Snug is in Singapore and is a friend of our friend Bev. I think Dona and symply are friends.

See the word scrubbing translates to work.
